The mission of the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame is to recognize athletes, coaches, administrators, faculty and community members who have made significant contributions to the Ballston Spa Athletics program through their service, performance, dedication, commitment and accomplishment.
Article 1 – Purpose
The purpose of the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor athletes, coaches, administrators/faculty and community contributors of Ballston Spa Athletics to:
Article 2 – Candidates for Membership
Candidates for membership in the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame shall be former Ballston Spa athletes, coaches, administrators/faculty and community members who have met the requirements set forth in this constitution.
A. Selection Criteria:
All candidates for the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame must fall into one of the first four categories with the criteria listed below:
1. Student Athlete Candidates must have:
2. Team selection candidates must have:
3. Coach candidates must have:
4. Administrator/faculty candidates must have:
5. Community contributor candidates must have:
6. Honorary and/or “Old Timer” candidates must have:
B. Number of Inductees:
The inaugural class shall include no more than 10 inductees (athletes, coaches, and administrators/faculty)
All of the future classes will not exceed 7 inductees.
Each year, community contributors will be considered as a special category based on their body of work in the support of the Ballston Spa Athletics. A community contributor will not be considered as one of the seven inductees mentioned above.
C. Voting Process
A list of candidates will be given to each committee member. Discussion will be held to prepare for voting. Members will return ballots at the next meeting. Top vote getters (dependent upon the number of inductees) will be inducted as long as they have at least 5 votes. Ties will be re-voted.
D. A Nominee Who Declines Induction
The committee will honor the wishes of a candidate who has been voted into the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame and declines induction. They shall not be considered for induction in the future.
Article 3 – Amendment Process
The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of committee members.
Article 4 – Committee Membership
The Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame shall consist of a 9-person voting committee.
The committee shall have the authority to recommend a voting member to the committee when another member chooses to resign. Each person nominated must be approved by a simple majority of the voting committee.
All members enshrined in the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame may become members of an advisory committee. They can offer suggestions and input, but will not have any voting privileges.
All business decisions of the committee shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the committee in attendance. (Minimum of 5 members is necessary to conduct business)
Article 5 – Ad Hoc Committees
The chairperson shall ask for volunteers to form ad hoc committees to carry out the charge to the committee. Upon the completion of the charge, the ad hoc committee will be dismissed.
The appointment of ad hoc committees shall include but not be limited to the following:
The purpose and time frame on the ad hock committee’s responsibilities will be determined when the appointment is made.
No ad hoc committee shall create any financial liability for the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame unless authorized by the chairperson of the committee. All of these ad hoc committees shall make a report to the membership committee at its’ regular meeting.
Article 6 – Timeline for the Hall of Fame
On or about August 15th , the Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame committee will convene to conduct business and make it known that they will be accepting nominations for the Hall of Fame through September 30th of that year.
It is the committee’s responsibility to inform the media of any announcements pertaining to the Hall of Fame.
*The Ballston Spa Athletics Hall of Fame Selection Committee reserves the right to amend the guidelines if needed, by a simple majority vote.